A Road to Chartered Engineer (CEng) by Hong Kong College of Engineering

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The Hong Kong College of Engineering (HKCE) was established in 1992 and is a completely new conceptual college that focuses on providing training programmes for educational, professional and practical knowledge and skills for engineering industry.

We are collaborating with BTEC UK and Heriot-Watt University to provide link-up programmes for our students. By both local and distance learning, we have a full range of programmes leading to the award of a diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications and Chartered Engineer status (CEng).

All lecturers in HKCE are Chartered Engineer or facilities / properties manager, each has more than 10 to 20 years of practical experience in engineering fields. They are the talent of an engineering industry and possess solid teaching experience.

Meanwhile, we provides CPD training / seminars and Data Centre Courses to other organisations / companies including American Hotel and Motel Association, The Hong Kong Productivity Council, HK Hospital Authority, HK Property Management Institute, Yin Tin Port Company Limitd, etc.

What’s more, we have organised a series of CPD training programmes with Electrical and Mechanical Service Department (EMSD). We provide a tailor made, comprehensive and cost effective training to help employers maintaining their employees’ professional status.

成立於一九九二年,香港設施工程學院 (簡稱 HKCE) 是一間全新概念的專上學院,專注為業界提供學術、專業和實用知識及技術訓練課程。

學院現正與 BTEC UK, CNet Training UK 和 Heriot-Watt University UK 合作舉辦課程。當中所有本地課程及遙距學習課程,能為學員提供一條龍的學術資格,包括文憑、學位及碩士及最終成為英國特許工程師的途徑 (CEng)。


與此同時,學院曾為多間公司 / 機構舉辦培訓 / 講座。這些機構包括美國酒店及旅館協會、香港生產力促進局、醫院管理局、香港物業管理學會、深圳鹽田港等。

此外,學院更為香港機電工程署度身訂做一系列持續專業進修課程。 課程內容完備、合乎成本原則,為所有員工提升工作能力、保持專業水平。

The HKCE’s deisgn and teaching of all courses in engineering have been certified by the ACI LTD to ISO 9001 : 2008.

本院所有學科的課程設計及教授榮獲 ACI LTD ISO 9001 : 2008 國際認証。

The Hong Kong College of Engineering
T : 26871208
F : 26093708
E : enquiry@tdpedu.org
Website: http://www.tdpedu.org/
Blog: http://engineer-job.blogspot.com/
Facebook: hkce.edu