Sunday, 14 November 2010

Supercomputer to go sugar cube-sized in few years

LONDON: IBM scientists have said that a pioneering research effort could shrink the world's most powerful supercomputer processors to the size of a sugar cube.

The approach will see many computer processors stacked on top of one another, cooling them with water flowing between each one. The plan is to reduce computers' energy use, rather than just to shrink them.

Dr Bruno Michel said future computer costs would hinge on green credentials rather than speed.

Michel and his colleagues have already built a prototype to demonstrate the water-cooling principle. Called Aquasar, it occupies a rack larger than a refrigerator.

IBM estimates that Aquasar is almost 50 pc more energy-efficient than the world's leading supercomputers.

"In the past, computers were dominated by hardware costs - 50 years ago you could hold one transistor and it cost a dollar, or a franc," the BBC quoted Michel as saying at IBM's
Zurich labs.

Now when the sums are done, he said, the cost of a transistor works out to 1/100th of the price of printing a single letter on a page. The overwhelming cause of those energy costs is in cooling, because computing power generates heat as a side product.

The Aquasar prototype clocked up nearly half again as much, at 1.1 billion operations. Now the task is to shrink it.

"We currently have built this Aquasar system that's one rack full of processors. We plan that 10 to 15 years from now, we can collapse such a system in to one sugar cube - we're going to have a supercomputer in a sugar cube."

Mark Stromberg, principal research analyst at Gartner, said that the approach was a promising one.

But he said that tackling the finer details of cooling - to remove heat from just the right parts of the chip stacks - would take significant effort.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

邁向專業認證 - 國際認可數據中心設計工程師專業資格

任何一個應用通訊網絡的商業機構都必須擁有相應的「設備」去支援其網絡需求,這些「設備」─ 我們慣常稱為數據中心、電腦房或網絡室 ─ 將是整個機構的神經系統,影響機構的日常運作。正因為數據中心扮演著重要角色,每當興建、擴張或改建數據中心時都需要專業工程人員,提供寶貴意見、分析及正確引用國際標準 (TIA-942)。

有見及此,香港設施工程學院與英國 CNet Training 聯合舉辦數據中心培訓課程,題目為「國際認可數據中心設計工程師專業資格」 (Certified Data Centre Design Professional - CDCDP)。是次培訓由業內資深專業人士及英國註冊工程師主講,內容包括設計數據中心時必須注意的各大要點:選址、裝修、電力安裝、線路及空間規劃、保安及消防系統設計、製冷及熱量管理和備用性。按這些要點設計電腦房或數據中心,不但可以排除非必要的網路停頓,還可以保證機構系統運作暢順。